The Visionary

My name is Keslie and I am the creative eye behind Soaps & Hopes. I started this company in November 2019 after scrolling on Instagram and seeing a girl I’d followed for years post about her small business growth. As a student, I had only one goal; to be a marketing exec for Walt Disney Studios. I spent years assisting as an admin while applying to my dream company. Somewhere along the lines, I realized I honestly just wasn’t happy. I know, it’s cliche. But it was also painful. I spent so many years in school, internships, and so much money because that was supposed to be my life. Corporate girly working her way up the ladder and eventually her dream role for her dream company. But the more time I spent on that first stone, the more I felt something just wasn’t right.

I saw her, proud, successful, and making a living out of something that came from her mind and heart. So I just bought some wax. I have never since regretted my decision. It is hard and it is scary, the goals you have as a small business are insurmountable compared to those you have when you’re in that secure, salary position. Yet, every time I’m in my studio preparing for flea markets, with every mixing bowl, paintbrush, or fragrance oil I can’t help but love everything about my choices.

It’s so hard to explain but Soaps & Hopes is my pride. It is my craft, my art, my vision, myself and I get to share it with others. I can’t see it anymore; the life where I used my degree to work in the film industry marketing OTHER people’s vision.  Soaps & Hopes is simply where I am meant to be.

The Vision

At Soaps & Hopes, we are firm believers in self-preservation and value what it means to take care of one's own needs before all others. Supported by research and cultural heritage, we constantly work hard to find healing elements that trigger specific sensory nodes in the human body and ease common yet specific stresses. At Soaps & Hopes, we have taken a new meaning in self-care by allowing our consumers to find their peace with completely personal touches.

More about Keslie

  • I have also self-published a book!

    Ausoria: A War on Neptun

  • As I create my works of art, I also freelance in web design!
